Multilateral Trade Agreements


Supporting a multilateral trade system

The multilateralism forms many memberships in an institution and has a principal agreement that binds them together or under a trade agreement. Vanuatu supports the multilateral trade system and joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and signed several International Trade Agreements. Vanuatu also joins the PACP group consisting of countries from Pacific, Africa and Caribbean. Vanuatu is now negotiating its interest with the EU on the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and supported the recent Cotonou agreement (Samoa agreement).

Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)

Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) implementations. It is believed that bureaucratic delays and “red tape” pose a burden for moving goods across borders for traders. Hence, the concept of trade facilitation was to contribute to the simplification, modernization and harmonization of export and import processes and has therefore emerged as an important issue for the world trading system. The WTO TFA concluded in 2013 at the Bali Ministerial meeting and enters into force on 22 February 2017 following the ratification of 2/3rd of the WTO members. Vanuatu is on top of the region, the TFA agreement current rate of implementation commitments stand at 87.0% with a time-frame spanning from February 2017 to December 2030. Category A commitment is stands at 65.5%, Category B commitment to date 20.6%, Category B commitment in the future 0.4%, Category C commitment for implementation to date 0.8% and Category C commitment for future implementation is 0.4%. You can visit the WTO TFA website for more information.

Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (iEPA)

Vanuatu LDC graduation transition period will lapse by end of 2024, therefore the LDC smooth transition strategy and the trade policy framework recommended Vanuatu to secure its trade preference through bilateral trade agreements. An option is to secure the EU “everything but arms” scheme which Vanuatu is benefiting through its duty-free and quota free market access trade with EU, joining the bloc of Fiji, PNG, Solomon, Samoa, - Tonga and Timo Leste are on their acceding process.

Considering the expiry date of the transition period, on the 1 December 2022, the Prime Minister submitted his letter expressing Vanuatu intention to the EU Trade Commissioner in Brussels to accede to the iEPA in which the EU responded positively and accepted on The iEPA trade agreement signed between EU, Fiji, PNG, and now Solomon, and Samoa is based on trade in goods and in particular on fish export products. Already, the EU had communicated to include other sectors such as services and investment as more Pacific Island countries are showing their interest to accede to the agreement.

Following from PM letter, the department request the Forum Secretariat and MSG Secretariat through the Strengthening Pacific Intra-Regional and International Trade (SPIRIT) project a Cost- Benefit- Analysis (CBA) to support Vanuatu intention to trade with EU. This activity was carried out in January 2023 which is attached to this paper as a draft for comments by stakeholders. The report provides recommendations that should assist and guide Vanuatu on its negotiations with the EU. (Annex 2 CBA report). The negotiation process and modalities are yet to be developed by both parties in order to start the negotiation process. Note that the iEPA is a trade in goods agreement and that the negotiation will only focus on the market access offers for Vanuatu and not the legal text of the iEPA agreement that has already agreed by iEPA parties.

Multilateral Undertakings

  • Successful hosting and chairing of Melanesian Spearhead Group 22nd Leaders’ Summit (23-24 August 2023) and subsequent governing body meetings of Foreign Minister’s Meeting and Senior Official Meeting (18-22 August 2023);

  • Successful hosting and chairing of the MSG Senior Officials and Foreign Minister’s meetings on Budget and Work program (29 – 30 June 2023); • Prime Minister’s engagement at Pacific Islands Forum during the Special Leaders Retreat in Nadi (24 February 2023);

  • Vanuatu Governments through the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs participated at 53rd CRGA and 13th Conference of SPC from 24-27 October 2023 in Noumea, New Caledonia;

  • Handing over of SPC Chairing role to Tuvalu as the new chair during the SPC Conference in Noumea (24-27 October 2023)
